Eynsham's first Folk Weekend 2014
Various members of the side had a hand in organizing the first Eynsham Folk Weekend which went very well with lots of participation from aficionados from near and far. The occasional shower didn't dampen spirits. A few friends have sent us photos of the event...
First Andrew Splawski has shared these...

The Community Choir in The Square

The Oxford Village Band

The Eynsham Morris Redtops (and some blue...)
Some good dancing with guest sides Mason's Apron and Bampton Morris

Mason's Apron in reflective mood...

A Bampton jig

A double Highland Mary

A somewhat cramped Eynsham Mystery Dance
And a lovely Maid of the Mill...


Given some advice...

And triumphantly lifted!
Andrew Harrington has also shared some very atmospheric pictures

Dancing outside the Queen's Head

Dave Russell up close and personal with another Maid...

The name of the dance is Shambles....
Thanks to all for making it so successful a weekend.